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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Filipino Christmas Star "Parol"

How to make a Filipino Christmas Star "Parol"

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Traditional Filipino Christmas Star

How to make a Filipino Christmas Star "Parol"

The Parol is a Filipino Christmas tradition thats been in the Filipino Christmas tradition for 100 years. The Filipino Parol is a 5 point lantern star made from Bamboo sticks assembled as a star and lights up at night just like a Christmas Light. Making this Filipino Parol lantern star resembles the Birth of Christ similar to the star of Bethlehem. Its a great way to show the true meaning of Christmas The Filipino Way!


Things You'll Need:

  • A.) Two 32 in bamboo strips
  • B.) Ruler
  • C.) Five 3 in wire strips
  • D.) 10 1/2 in wire strips
  • E.) Tape
  • F.) Thread
  • G.) Glue
  • H.) Pencil (for out lining)
  • I.) Scissors
  • J.) Tinsel
  • K.) Colorful paper "24x24" or colorful gift wrapper.

Philippine Star 1

Use the thread to tie the ends of each bamboo strip together in which forming two circles.

Philippine Star 2

Use the two circles and the five of 7 inches wire strips to make a frame by twisiting the ends of each wire strip around the bamboo circles.

Then carefully fold the colorful paper in half. Draw the shape of a five pointed star and cut it out. Their should be two stars.

Philippine Star 3

Finally, glue one star to each side of the circular frame. The other five of 7 inches wires to the fove points where the angles of the star touch the wire frame. Then attach the five 3 in wires to the tips of the star so the star bulges.

Glue on the pieces of the paper to cover the frame. Attach the tinsel tot the bottom points of the star to complete the Bethlehem Star

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